Long term projects
- Battery calibration in upower
- Reproducible builds in Fedora (with zbyszek)
- Userdb & Varlink & Keycloak
Userdb provision with Keycloak
Based in Lennart's user database API talk, make a keycloak <-> user db record service so Arch Linux could potentially switch away from manager users with Ansible.
Battery Calibration in UPower
Lenovo laptops expose a charge-control property which can be used to calibrate your laptop battery.
Cockpit File API
Better Btrfs
Make udisks stop relying on parsing cli output and use JSON or libbtrfsutil.
Better object model for DBus API for Cockpit.
We want Fedora to rebuild packages using rebuilderd in the long run.
- Archive old packages on GitLab.
- Archweb SSO support
Rebuild packages time to time in CI with rebuilderd
Make this more useful for general public
- refactor code and lint more
- extend typing
- use pytest-pacman for .pkg.tar.* tests instead of PKGBUILD's + makepkg
Switch our cloud images / archiso to mkosi.
reproducible mkosi
Make btrfs / xfs reproducible