Jelle's notes

A collection of public notes on various topics generated using mdbook

Long term projects


  • Battery calibration in upower
  • Reproducible builds in Fedora (with zbyszek)
  • Userdb & Varlink & Keycloak

Userdb provision with Keycloak

Based in Lennart's user database API talk, make a keycloak <-> user db record service so Arch Linux could potentially switch away from manager users with Ansible.


Battery Calibration in UPower

Lenovo laptops expose a charge-control property which can be used to calibrate your laptop battery.


Convert / Support more charge_types in the Kernel

Standarize eco mode, and all other models to charge_types.

  • Sony -> drivers/platform/x86/sony-laptop.c
  • LG -> convert to charge_types

Out of tree:

  • Gigabyte Aero/AORUS
  • Acer

WMI kernel driver introduction.

UPower support charge_types

Gitlab issue

Cockpit File API


Better Btrfs

Make udisks stop relying on parsing cli output and use JSON or libbtrfsutil.

Better object model for DBus API for Cockpit.




We want Fedora to rebuild packages using rebuilderd in the long run.



Implement a varlink interface to systemd-bless-boot to be able for Fedora workstation to switch to systemd-boot.

The source code: src/bless-boot/bless-boot.c



  • Archive old packages on GitLab.
  • Archweb SSO support


Rebuild packages time to time in CI with rebuilderd


Make this more useful for general public

  • refactor code and lint more
  • extend typing
  • use pytest-pacman for .pkg.tar.* tests instead of PKGBUILD's + makepkg


Switch our cloud images / archiso to mkosi.


reproducible mkosi

Make btrfs / xfs reproducible

Reproducible Builds

Rebuilderd-website re-design

  • Configurable
  • Themes (Debian, Fedora)
  • Per package page
  • Recent builds page

Current Debian frontend and current Debian rebuilder.

Last 24h, 48h builds

    "name": "zziplib-bin",
    "version": "0.13.72+dfsg.1-1.3",
    "status": "BAD",
    "distro": "debian",
    "suite": "main",
    "architecture": "amd64",
    "artifact_url": "",
    "build_id": 79239,
    "built_at": "2024-11-11T01:52:55.033859620",
    "has_diffoscope": false,
    "has_attestation": false
    "name": "zzuf",
    "version": "0.15-3",
    "status": "GOOD",
    "distro": "archlinux",
    "suite": "extra",
    "architecture": "x86_64",
    "artifact_url": "",
    "build_id": 459906,
    "built_at": "2023-05-23T12:37:43.509033888",
    "has_diffoscope": false,
    "has_attestation": true


Python issues

For pyc differences PYTHONHASHSEED can be set to a fixed value to try and circumvent the random hash initialisation getting embedded in pyc files

For test files being show in the diffoscope results as pyc files and not in the rebuild package the issue is probably that pyc files generated by running tests are installed errorsnly. Exporting PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 when running the tests.

sphinx issue

sphinx-build also installs a environment.pickle file which is not reproducible and not needed in a package. A fix is to override SPHINXOPTS or alternatively extend our reproducible makepkg hooks for this?


[jelle@t14s][~/projects/reproducible-website]%pacman -F environment.pickle
extra/dleyna-docs 0.8.2-2
extra/ghc-static 9.0.2-3
extra/libcamera-docs 0.1.0-2
extra/python-eventlet 0.38.0-1
extra/python-generic 1.1.3-3
extra/python-uproot-docs 5.5.1-3

Man page gzip timestamp issue

Fixing all the gzip timestamp issue packages is a lot of work and patching upstream everywhere is not really doable. An idea might be to detect gzip files which are non-reproducible and let a makepkg option like zipman or extend zipman to take care of this.

touch foo
gzip foo
file bar.gz | grep modified &>/dev/null  && gunzip -c bar.gz | gzip -9 -n -c > test.gz

Haskell packages

GHC is reproducible when building with -j1, but for Arch this is a very noticable slowdown in package building. There is an open GHC issue about reprodiciblity and recently a potential fix was merged into GHC.

Handling irreproducibility

Write a makepkg hook for add-determinism

  • how does fedora run it
  • how would we integrate it
  • test it a package with unreproducible gz


Slides from 2024 about the work done.

The reproducing script requires:

  • python3-koji
  • python3-requests
  • the user running it must be in the mock group (not relevant as rebuilderd-worker runs as root)

It seems to need more as you still get the following error to fix it I just installed fedpkg

koji.ConfigurationError: no configuration for profile name: koji

rebuilderd deps:

  • sqlite-devel
  • sqlite3
  • libzstd-devel

Rebuilder work

flowchart TB
    subgraph coordinator
    rebuilderd-sync.timer -- new packages -->rebuilderd.service
    subgraph worker
    rebuilderd-worker -- rebuild request / post result -->rebuilderd.service
    rebuilderd-worker -- rebuild rpm -->koji-rebuild
  • get rebuilderd-worker going with koji_rebuild of zbyszek
  • support releases
  • cleanup commits
  • make comparison work with rpm's, as we can't do straight binary comparisons
  • switch to Fedora rawhide for rebuilding
  • submit a PR to symlink comparison.json and the build rpm into $REBUILDERD_OUTDIR
  • package rebuilderd in a copr
    • config files owned by user without hardcoding uid %attr(mode, user, group) in %files?
    • sysusers
    • completions
    • man pages
    • failing decompression tests
  • ansible setup for rebuilderd
  • koji cache cleanup? for rebuilderd-worker
  • investigate postgresql <-> rebuilderd

BUILDTIME in header

│  IPv6 (default) host.
│ -BUILDTIME: 1738781093
│ +BUILDTIME: 1721227464 - clamp timestamps - build info file

Setting up a Rebuilder

No rebuilderd package (yet) for Fedora, so setup is manual.

The signup secret is generated with pwgen -1s 32


bind_addr = ""

# set the generated secret for our workers here
signup_secret = ""

# 1 week
retry_delay_base = 168


distro = "fedora"
suite = "Everything"
architectures = ["x86_64"]
source = ""
pkgs = ["joe", "nano", "cockpit*", "3mux", "6tunnel", "cmatrix", "mythes*", "python3-b*", "vim*", "pcre*", "neovim*", "dconf", "sssd*", "osinfo*", "redhat*", "fedora*"]


endpoint = "http://localhost:8484"
signup_secret = ""

timeout = 3600

enabled = true
max_bytes = 10485760 # 10 MiB

path = "/usr/libexec/rebuilderd/"



set -xe

# extract nvr
nvr=$(rpm -qp --queryformat '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}' ${rpmfile}) ${nvr}

Testing the sync job:

in rebuilderd/tools

cargo run -- pkgs sync --release 41 fedora Everything --architecture x86_64 --print-json
cargo run -- pkgs sync --release rawhide fedora Everything --architecture x86_64 --print-json


  • diffoscope support?
  • CI on flathub repositories?
  • reproducing

Diffing a flatpak

For Cockpit, comparing the build dir output

flatpak-builder --disable-cache  --disable-rofiles-fuse --force-clean flatpak-build-dir1  org.cockpit_project.CockpitClient.yml
flatpak-builder --disable-cache  --disable-rofiles-fuse --force-clean flatpak-build-dir2  org.cockpit_project.CockpitClient.yml
diffoscope flatpak-build-dir1 flatpak-build-dir2

Comparing using two repos:

flatpak-builder --repo=repo1 --disable-cache  --disable-rofiles-fuse --force-clean flatpak-build-dir  org.cockpit_project.CockpitClient.yml
flatpak-builder --repo=repo2 --disable-cache  --disable-rofiles-fuse --force-clean flatpak-build-dir  org.cockpit_project.CockpitClient.yml

Get the refs from ostree:

ostree refs --repo=repo1
ostree show --repo=repo1 runtime/org.cockpit_project.CockpitClient.Debug/x86_64/devel
ostree show --repo=repo2 runtime/org.cockpit_project.CockpitClient.Debug/x86_64/devel

Confirm the ContentChecksum is the same.

live iso

Reproducible live iso


  • hugin - gzip timestamps
  • pcp - gzip timestamp
  • libkolabxml XML ordering try to set XERCES_DEBUG_SORT_GRAMMAR, but that needs to be in xerces-c which is kinda untested and dumb
  • musescore
  • php phar timestamps
  • dosemu timestamps
  • echoping hostname
  • python-lxml-docs timestamp in "Generated On"
  • ant-doc javadoc adds timestamp to documentation. Generated by javadoc (14.0.2) on Sun Nov 15 16:33:44 UTC 2020
  • nethack build date
  • python-lxml-docs timestamp in generated docs
  • glhack - timestamp
  • i7z - gzip timestamp
  • v2ray-domain-list-community - geosite.dat not ordered
  • libcec - hostname/timestamp
  • hevea - ocaml build /tmp/$tmp path differs
  • mari0 - zip file
  • ibus - date
  • argyllcms - (date) - send email about created date containing hours/minutes/second and SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
  • deepin-wallpapers => most likely order issue with the wildcard in the makefile nope, most likely image-blur is not reproducible


Package pacman in Debian

 -> sudo pbuilder create
 -> sudo cowbuilder create
 -> sudo gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new --git-pbuilder -nc

Java JAR reproducibility

gradle maven


Rebuilderd doesn't clean up old builds, to remove all builds which are no longer references to a package:

delete from builds where id not in (select build_id from packages where build_id is not null);

Rebuilderd also stores logs for succeeded builds which isn't required.

Requeue'ing bad builds can be done as following:

rebuildctl pkgs requeue --suite core --status BAD


  • add build date to output of rebuildctl pkgs ls --status BAD --suite core
  • add build date to the /log output
  • add build host to the /log output (so one can identify if a host has a bad build env)
  • add a cleanup thread that runs occasionally cleaning up old rebuild results.

Autoclassify script

Make an autoclassify script based on the diffoscope html output stored in rebuilderd. Maybe using the rebuilderd database for now => extract the diffoscope html and inspiration drawn from this script



  • bacon strips
  • broccoli
  • champignons
  • rasped cheese
  • 4 eggs
  • 200ml cooking cream


  • 300 gram flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 500 ml milk
  • 30 gram butter


  • Style frontpage



    "production": {
    	"sessionSecret": "laPah7ohSheeroo4yep5shi7ioghie",
	"email": false,
        "domain": "archtest.lxd",
        "loglevel": "debug",
	"protocolUseSSL": true,
	"allowAnonymous": false,
        "hsts": {
            "enable": true,
            "maxAgeSeconds": 31536000,
            "includeSubdomains": true,
            "preload": true
        "csp": {
            "enable": true,
            "directives": {
            "upgradeInsecureRequests": "true",
            "addDefaults": true,
            "addDisqus": false,
            "addGoogleAnalytics": false
        "cookiePolicy": "lax",
        "db": {
            "dialect": "sqlite",
            "storage": "/var/lib/hedgedoc/db.hedgedoc.sqlite"
        "linkifyHeaderStyle": "gfm"


var path = require('path');

module.exports = {
    'config':          path.resolve('config.json'),
    'migrations-path': path.resolve('lib', 'migrations'),
    'models-path':     path.resolve('lib', 'models'),
    'url':             'sqlite:///var/lib/hedgedoc/db.hedgedoc.sqlite'


location / {
	proxy_set_header Host $host;
	proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
	proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
	proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

location / {
	proxy_set_header Host $host;
	proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
	proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
	proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
	proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
	proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;


Keycloak instructions

systemctl hedgedoc service override



Project ideas

  • golang dns client using RDAP with json output

Start a project

go mod init$project

Common modules

  • cobra
  • logrus


  • slice []string{"lala", "lolol"};
  • string
  • bool


Go executes init functions automatically at program startup, after global variables have been initialized.

Type assertions

var greeting interface{} = "hello world"
greetingStr, ok := greeting.(string)
if !ok {
	fmt.Println("not asserted")

Type asertions can only take place on interfaces, on our first line we assign a string to the interface greeting. While greeting is a string now, the interface exposed to us is a string. To return the original type of greeting we can assert that it is a string using greeting.(string).

If you are not sure of the type of an interface a switch can be used:

var greeting interface{} = 42

switch g := greeting.(type) {
	case string:
		fmt.Println("string of length", len(g))
	case int:
		fmt.Println("integer of value", g)
	case default:
		fmt.Println("no idea what g is")

This all is called an assertion, as the original type of greeting (interface) is not changed.

Type conversions

var greeting := []byte("hello world")
greetingStr := string(greeting)

In Golang a type defines:

  1. How the variable is stored (underlying data structure)
  2. What you can do wit hthe variable (methods/ functions it can be used in)

In Golang one can define it's own type

// myInt is a new type who's base type is `int`
type myInt int

// The AddOne method works on `myInt` types, but not regular `int`s
func (i myInt) AddOne() myInt { return i + 1}

func main() {
	var i myInt = 4

As a myInt uses a similiar data structure underneath, we can convert a myInt to an int.

var i myInt = 4
originalInt := int(i)

This means, types can only be converted if the underlying data structure is the same.

declaring variables

There are two ways to declare variables in golang (Go infers the type from initiailization)

  1. using the var keyword var int foo = 4
  2. using a short declaration operator (:=) foo := 4


var keyword:

  • used to declare and initialize the variables inside and outside of functions
  • the scope can therefore be package level or global level scope or local scope
  • declaration and initialization of the variables can be done separately
  • optionally can put a type with the decleration

short decleration operator:

  • used to declare and initialize the variable only inside the functions
  • variables has only local scope as they can only be declared in functions
  • decleration and initialization of the variables must be done at the same time
  • there is no need to put a type


Named structs

type Employee struct {
	firstName string
	lastName string
	age int

func main() {
	emp1 := Employee{
		firstName: "Sam",
		lastName: "Anderson",
		age: 25,
	// Zero value of a struct, all fields with be 0 or ""
	var emp2 Employee

Anonymous struct

foo := struct {
	firstName string,
	lastName string,
	firstName: "Steve",
	lastName: "Jobs",

Pointers to a struct

emp1 := &Employee{
	firstName: "Steve",
	lastName: "Jobs",

fmt.Println("First Name:", (*emp1).firstName);
fmt.Println("First Name:", emp1.firstName);
Anonymous fields

It is possible to create structs with fields that contain only a type without the field name. Even thought they have no explicit name, by default the name of an anonymous field is the name of its type.

type Person struct {
Nested structs
type Address struct {  
    city  string
    state string

type Person struct {  
    name    string
    age     int
    address Address

Fields that belong to an anonymous struct field in a struct are called promoted fields since they can be accessed as if they belong to the struct which holds the anonymous struct field.

type Address struct {  
    city string
    state string
type Person struct {  
    name string
    age  int

func main() {  
    p := Person{
        name: "Naveen",
        age:  50,
        Address: Address{
            city:  "Chicago",
            state: "Illinois",

    fmt.Println("Age:", p.age)
    fmt.Println("City:",   //city is promoted field
    fmt.Println("State:", p.state) //state is promoted field

Structs equality

Structs are value types and are comparable if each of their fields are comparable. Two struct variables are considered equal if their corresponding fields are equal.


An interface is a set of methods and a type.

For structs

An interface is a placeholder for a struct which implements it's functions, which can be used to allow a a method to take an interface as argument.

package main

import (

type geometry interface {
    area() float64
    perim() float64

type rect struct {
    width, height float64

func (r rect) area() float64 {
    return r.width * r.height
func (r rect) perim() float64 {
    return 2*r.width + 2*r.height

type circle struct {
    radius float64

func (c circle) area() float64 {
    return math.Pi * c.radius * c.radius
func (c circle) perim() float64 {
    return 2 * math.Pi * c.radius

func measure(g geometry) {

func main() {
    r := rect{width: 3, height: 4}
    c := circle{radius: 5}


The interface{} type

The interface{} type, the empty interface has no methods. This means that any function which takes interface{} value as parameter, you can supply that function with any value.

package main

import (

func checkType(i interface{}) {
    switch i.(type) {          // the switch uses the type of the interface
    case int:
    case string:

func main() {
    var i interface{} = "A string"

    checkType(i)   // String

Equality of interface values

An interface is equal if they are both nil or the underlying value and the type are equal.

package main
import (
func isEqual(i interface{}, j interface{}) {
    if(i == j) {
    } else {
func main() {
    var i interface{}
    var j interface{}
    isEqual(i, j)   // Equal
    var a interface{} = "A string"
    var b interface{} = "A string"
    isEqual(a, b)   // Equal




Security checklist

Checklists from

Server configuration checklist

Mark result with ✓ or ✗

#Certified Secure Server Configuration ChecklistResultRef
1.1Always adhere to the principle of least privilege
2.0Version Management
2.1Install security updates for all software
2.2Never install unsupported or end-of-life software
2.3Install software from a trusted and secure repository
2.4Verify the integrity of software before installation
2.5Configure an automatic update policy for security updates
3.0Network Security
3.1Disable all extraneous services
3.2Disable all extraneous ICMP functionality
3.3Disable all extraneous network protocols
3.4Install a firewall with a default deny policy
3.5Firewall both incoming and outgoing connections
3.6Disable IP forwarding and routing unless explicitly required
3.7Separate servers with public services from the internal network
3.8Remove all dangling DNS records
3.9Enable DNS record signing
4.0Authentication and Authorization
4.1Configure authentication for access to single user mode
4.2Configure mandatory authentication for all non-public services
4.3Configure mandatory authorization for all non-public services
4.4Configure mandatory authentication for all users
4.5Enforce the usage of strong passwords
4.6Remove all default, test, guest and obsolete accounts
4.7Configure rate limiting for all authentication functionality
4.8Disable remote login for administrator accounts
4.9Never implement authorization based solely on IP address
5.0Privacy and Confidentiality
5.1Configure services to disclose a minimal amount of information
5.2Transmit sensitive information via secure connections
5.3Deny access to sensitive information via insecure connections
5.4Store sensitive information on encrypted storage
5.5Never use untrusted or expired SSL certificates
5.6Configure SSL/TLS to accept only strong keys, ciphers and protocols
5.7Configure an accurate and restrictive CAA DNS record
5.8Use only widely accepted and proven cryptographic primitives
5.9Use existing, well-tested implementations of cryptographic primitives
5.10Separate test, development, acceptance and production systems
5.11Never allow public access to test, development and acceptance systems
5.12Never store production data on non-production systems
5.13Configure a secure default for file permissions
5.14Configure file permissions as restrictive as possible
5.15Disable the indexing of files with sensitive information
5.16Configure automated removal of temporary files
6.0Logging Facilities
6.1Restrict access to logging information
6.2Configure logging for all relevant services
6.3Configure logging for all authentication and authorization failures
6.4Configure remote logging for all security related events
6.5Routinely monitor and view the logs
6.6Never log sensitive information, passwords or authorization tokens
7.0Service Specific
7.1Complete the Secure Development Checklist for Web Applications
7.2Disable open relaying for mail services
7.3Disable email address enumeration for mail services
7.4Disable anonymous uploading for FTP services
7.5Disable unauthorized AXFR transfers in the DNS
8.1Configure rate limiting for all resource-intensive functionality
8.2Prevent unintended denial of service when configuring rate limiting
8.3Check configuration of all services for service-specific issues
8.4Check for and mitigate server- or setup-specific problems


  • mdcat cat for markdown
  • httpie HTTP client
  • taskell CLI kanboard
  • oxipng PNG optimizer written in Rust
  • mdbook command line tool to create books using Markdown
  • diffoscope diff on steroids
  • fzf fuzzy finder
  • tmux
  • inotify-tools
  • tig



  • oha http load benchmark tool

Load test with 50 requests/second for 2 minutes

oha -q 50 -z 2m


Certificates / CA

step-cli certificate create root-ca root-ca.crt root-ca.key --profile root-ca
step certificate install root-ca.crt
# General client cert
step-cli certificate create  $(hostname -f) server.crt server.key --san $(hostname -f) --san $(hostname -s) --profile leaf --ca ./root-ca.crt --ca-key ./root-ca.key --no-password --insecure --not-after "$(date --date "next year" -Iseconds)"


  • tldr - cheatsheets for cli tools

General vim tricks

  • calculations: in insert mode, press C-r = then insert your calculation
  • resizing panes Ctrl+w + and Ctrl + -

Required packages

  • fzf - fzf plugin
  • the_silver_searcher -searching in files for the fzf plugin
  • cargo / rust - rust LSP integration
  • pyright - Python LSP integration


Vim-wiki bindings

Publishing my notes:

nnoremap <F1> :terminal make serve<CR>
nnoremap <F2> :!make rsync_upload<CR>
nnoremap <F3> :!make commit_push<CR>
F1execute mdbook serve
F2publish to
F3git commit and push

Standard vimwiki bindings:

<C-Space>toggle listitem on/off
gl*make the item before the cursor a list
<Tab>(insert mode) go next/create cell
+create/decorate links

vimwiki diary

go to diary index
wwcreate a new diary entry
:VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinksupdate diary index

Fugitive bindings

<space>gagit add
<space>gsgit status
<space>gcgit commit
<space>gtgit commit (full path)
<space>gdgit diff (:Gdiff)
<space>gegit edit (:Gedit)
<space>grgit read (:Gread)
<space>gwgit write (:Gwrite)
<space>glgit log
<space>gpgit grep
<space>gmgit move
<space>gbgit branch
<space>gogit checkout
<space>gpsgit push
<space>gplgit pull

LSP bindings

gdGo to definition
grGo to references
gsSymbol search
KDisplay function/type info
gRRename variable/function
dlShow diagnostic


F1bump pkgrel
F2run updpkgsums


<Leader>bcargo test
<Leader>ccargo clippy
<Leader>xcargo run
<Leader>dset break point
<Leader>rrun debugger
F5start debugger
C-bcompile rust


<space>fgSearch all files
<space>ffList files
<space>fbList buffers
<space>fmMan pages
<space>ssList all snippets


F11Step over
F12Step out


  • Git integration
  • Snippets
  • Debugging
  • Language features: completion, find function definitions

GDB shortcuts

continuecontinue execution normally
finishcontinue executing until function returns
stepexecute next line of source code
nextexecute next line of source code, without descending into functions

Providing args:

gdb --args python

Or in the gdb shell

args --config foo.toml

Printing variables:

print filename

print config.interval


Neovim setup



For the LSP use neovim's native LSP server and neovim/nvim-lspconfig for configuration. Use :LspInfo to verify a language server is available and works for the file you are editing.

null-ls => :NullLsInfo


Tests & Debugging


  • Git integration => tpope/vim-fugitive
  • Searching files => telescope
  • Smart commentor


  • cmp (completor)
  • lsif
  • open multiple files with telescope
  • switch to new picker
  • better Git integration, rebasing in neovim (neogit??)
  • switch to blink?
  • obsidian for notes


x86 tablet

Notes about using Arch / Gnome on an x86 tablet

To Do

  • Disable the broken webcam driver (atom-isp2) in the Arch kernel
  • No way to copypaste from osd/applications
  • No window controls with fingers in gnome
  • Loading gnome is a big slow, ~ 10-15 seconds (I/O?)
  • Try out the phosh compositor
  • Speakers emit a loud beep after a while, when playing a video (in firefox/chromium on or kodi)
  • Landscape mode does not work in gnome / panel => iio-sensor-proxy (add to gnome group?)
  • Hardware video decoding (mpv) (6263a231b3edabe651c64ab55be2a429b717ac9a in dotfiles)
  • Firefox does not support one finger scrolling, chromium does issue
  • Get bluetooth working, BCM4343A0.hcd this firmware


  • intel-media-driver for hardware video acceleration
  • sof-firmware for audio
  • caribou? Or onboard for OSD keyboard
  • iio-sensor-proxy for screen orientation

Firefox one finger scrolling

cp /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
vim ~/.local/share/applications/firefox.desktop

find the Exec line in the [Desktop Entry] section and change it to

Exec=env MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox %u


  • firefox does not support PWA's..
  • twitch => browser / kodi addon
  • youtube => export subscriptions as RSS feed (google takeout)
  • => browser
  • => browser
  • video => kodi

Problem with docked mode not responding


Mar 12 20:35:49 surfacego phosh[1077]: Tablet mode disabled

How to join Twitch IRC w/ WeeChat

Taken from

WeeChat terminal IRC client


gen token

  1. acccess to "OAuth Password Generator"; semi-official service
  1. push "Connect to Twitch"
  2. copy oauth key
  • include "oauth:"


you must be keep "Twitch Chat OAuth Token Generator" connection


if you push "Disconnect", so IRC connection unavailable; you have to need re-generate new oAuth key for join IRC

add server

replace TWITCH_NAME to your lowercase Twitch Name

/server add twitch -password=oauth:*** -nicks=TWITCH_NAME -username=TWITCH_NAME

connect and join

/connect twitch

save settings

write settings to files



exit channel


close WeeChat



below commands/key very convenience when join 2 or more channels

/buffer list

move buffer-ring

Ctrl + n , Ctrl + p

close buffer

push Tab completion BUFFER_NAME

/buffer close BUFFER_NAME

window split

vertical and horizontal split

/window splitv
/window splith

move window

F7 , F8

undo split

/window merge

set membership (optional)

use for normal IRC client; get user list et al.

/set irc.server.twitch.command "/quote CAP REQ"

Linux research


A namespace (NS) "wraps" some global system resource to provide isolation. Linux now supports multiple NS types, see namespaces(7):

Mount NSisolate mount point listCLONE_NEWNS
UTS NSisolate system identifiers (hostname / NIS domain nameCLONE_NEWUTS
IPC NSisolate system V IPC & POSIX MQ objectCLONE_NEWIPC
PID NSisolate PID number spaceCLONE_NEWPID
Network NSisolate network resources (network device, stack, portsCLONE_NEWNET
User NSisolate user ID and group ID number spacesCLONE_NEWUSER
Cgroup NSvirtualize (isolate) certain cgroup pathnamesCLONE_NEWCGROUP
Time NSisolate boot and monotonic clocksCLONE_NEWTIME

For each NS:

  • Multiple instances of a NS may exist on the system
  • At system boot, there is only one instance of each NS type (the initial namespace)
  • A process resides in one NS instance (of each NS)
  • A process inside NS instance only sees that instance type

Example UTS namespace, isolate two identifiers returned by uname(2):

  • nodename, (hostname) sethostname(2)
  • domainname, NIS domain name setdomainname(2)

Each UTS NS instance has it's own nodename and domainname

Each process has symlink files in /proc/PID/ns for every namespace for example /proc/PID/ns/time, the content can be read with readlink and has the form: ns-type: [magic-incode-#].

Namespaces API

Syscalls for NS:

  • clone(2) - create new (child) process in a new NS(s)
  • unshare(2) - create new NS(s) and move caller into it/them
  • setns(2) - move claling process to another (existing) NS instance

There are shell commands as well (from util-linux):

  • unshare(1) - create new NS and execute command in the NS(s)
  • nsenter(1) - enter existing NS and execute a command

Creating a new user namespace requires no privileges but all other namespaces required CAP_SYS_ADMIN privileges. Example:

$ sudo unshare -u bash
# hostname foobar
# hostname

User namespaces

Allow per namespace mappings of UIDs and GIDs processes, process's UIDs and GIDs inside NS may be different from outside NS. Process might have uid 0 inside the NS and nonzero UID outside. User NSs have a hierarchical relationship, parent of a user NS === user Ns of process that created this user NS. Parential relationship determines some rules about how capabilities work. When a new user NS is created, the first process in the NS has all capabilities that process has power of superuser only inside the user NS.

After creating a user NS defining a UID & GID mapping is done by writing to two files, /proc/PID/{uid_map,gid_map}. Records written to the map form ID-inside-ns ID-outside-ns length, ID-inside-ns and length define the range of IDs inside the user NS that are to be mapped. ID-outside-ns defines start of corresponding mapped range in "outside" user NS.


$ id
$ unshare -U -r bash
usrns$ cat /proc/$$/uid_map
0 1000 1
usrns$ cat /proc/$$/gid_map
0 1000 1









BPF (Berkely packet filter) developed in 1992, improved the performance of packate capture tools. In 2013, a major rewrite of BPF was proposed and included in the Linux kernel in 2014. Which turned BPF into a general purpose execution engine that can be used for a variety of things. BPF allows the kernel to run mini programs on system and application events, such as disk I/O. BPF can be considered a virtual machine due to its virtual instruction set executed by the Linux kernel BPF runtime which includes a runtime & JIT compiler for turning BPF instructions into native instructions for execution. BPF instructions must pass a verifier that checks for safety, ensuring it does not crash the kernel. BPF has three main uses in Linux: networking, observability & security.

Tracing is event based recording, such as strace, tcpdump.

Sampling take a subset of measurements to paint a coarse picture of the target, also known as profiling or creating a profile. For example, sample every 10 milliseconds, this has less overhead, but can miss events.

Observability is understanding a system through observation. Tools for this include, tracing, sampling and tools based on fixed counters. Does not include bencmark tools, which modify the state of the system. BPF tools are observability tools.

BCC (BPF Compiler Collection) is the first higher-level tracing framework developed for BPF.

Bpftrace a newer front end and that provides a special-purpose, high level language for developing BPF tools. BPFtrace is for one liners, BCC for compile scripts.

Workload characterization defines what workload is being applied.

Dynamic instrumentation (kprobes & uprobes)

A BPF tracing source, which can insert instrumentation points into live software, zero overhead when not in use, as software is unmodified. Often used to instrument start and end of kernel / application functions. Downside of dynamic tracing is that functions can be renamed (interface stability issue).


kprobe:vfs_readinstrument beginning of kernel vfs_read()
kretprobe:vfs_readinstrument returns of kernel vfs_read()
uprobe:/bin/bash:readlineinstrument beginning of readline in /bin/bash
uretprobe:/bin/bash:readlineinstrument returns of readline in /bin/bash

Static instrumentation (tracepoints and UDST)

Static instrumentation is added by developers and user-level statically defined tracing (UDST) for userspace programs.


tracepoint:syscall:sys_enter_openinstrument open(2) syscall
udst:/usr/bin/mysqld:mysqld:query_statquery_stat probe

Listing all tracepoints matching sys_enter_open:

bpftrace -l 'tracepoint:syscalls:sys_enter_open*'

Or snoop on exec with execsnoop:

sudo /usr/share/bcc/tools/execsnoop

BPF Technology background

BPF was originally developed to offload packet filtering to kernel space for tcmpdump. This provided performance and safety benefits. The classic BPF used was very limited and only supported 2 registers versus 10, 32 bit registers width versus 64; in eBPF more storage options, 512 bytes of stack space and infinite "map" storage lastly supports more event targets. BPF is useful for performance tools as it is build into Linux, efficient and safe. BPF is more flexible then kernel modules, BPF programs are checked via a verifier before running and it supports more rich data structures via maps. It is also easier to learn as it doesn't require kernel build artifacts. BPF programs can be compiled once and run everywhere.

BPF programs can be written with llvm, BCC and bpftrace. BPf instructions can be viewed via bpftool and manipulate BPF objects including programs and maps.


A BPF program can not call arbitrary kernel functions or read arbitrary memory, to accomplish this "helper" functions are provided as bpf_probe_read. Memory access for BPF is restricted to it's registers and the stack, bpf_probe_read can read arbitrary memory but it does some safety checks up front, it can also read userspace memory.

BPF Program Types

Program type specify the type of events that the BPF program attaches to in case of observability tools. The verifier uses the program type to restrict which kernel functions can be called and data structures to access.

BPF lacked concurrency until Linux 5.1, but tracing programs can't use it yet so a per CPU hash/map is used to keep track of event data and doesn't run into map overwrites or corruptions.

The BPF Type Format (BTF) is a metadata format that encodes debug information describing BPF programs, maps, etc. BTF is becoming a general purpose format for describing kernel data formats. Tracing tools require kernel headers installed to read / understand C structs otherwise they have to be defined in a BPF program.

BPF CO-RE (Compile Once, Run Everywhere)

Allow BPF programs to be compiled to BPF bytecode once and then packaged for other systems.

BPF sysfs interface

Linux 4.4 allows BPF programs and maps to be exposed over sysfs and allows the creation of persistent BPF programs to continue after the program that loaded them has exited. This is also called "pinning".

BPF limitations

  • Cannot call arbitrary kernel functions
  • No infinite loops allowed
  • Stack size limited to MAX_BPF_STACK (512)

Stack trace walking

Stack traces are used to understand the code paths that led to an event. BPF can record stack traces; framepointer based or ORC based stack walks.

Frame pointer based

The head of the linked list of stack frames can always be found in a register (RBP on x86_64) where the return is stored of a known offset (+8) from the RBP. The debugger just walks over the linked list from the RBP. GCC nowadaysdefaults to omitting the stack frame pointer and uses RBP as a general purpose register.


Usually available via debug packages which contain debug files in DWARF format. Debug files are big and BPF does not support them.

LBR (Last Branch Record)

An Intel processor feature to record branches in a hardware buffer including function call branches. This has no overhead and limited in depth per processor from 4-32 branches which may not be enough.

ORC (Ooops Rewind Capability)

New debug format for stack frames, uses ELF sections (.orc_unwind, .orc_unwind_ip) and has been implemented in the Linux kernel.


Visualize stack traces, a stack backtrace or call trace. For example:


Where a calls b, calls c. All different call trees are recorded by how often a code path is taken for example:

func_d            func_c
func_b   func_b   func_b
func_a   func_a   func_a
1        2        7

		       # func_e  #
  +------------------+ +---------+
  # func_c          #  # func_d  #
  +------------------+ +---------+
# func_b                         #
# func_a                         #

func_c uses 70% cpu time, func_e 10%.

Event sources


Provide dynamic kernel instrumentation, can instrument any kernel function. When kretprobes are also used, function duration is also recorded. kprobes work by saving the target address and replacing it with a breakpoint instruction (int3 on x86_64) when instruction flow hits this breakpoint, the breakpoint handlers calls the kprobe handler afterwards the original instruction is executed. when kprobes are no longer needed the breakpoint is replaced by the original address. If ftrace already instruments the handler, ftrace simply calls the kprobe handler. When no longer used the ftrace kprobe handler is removed. For kretprobes, a kprobe entry is added to the function when called, the return address is saved and replaced with a "trampoline" function kretprobe_trampoline. When the function returns, CPU passes control to the trampoline function which calls the kretprobe hander. When no longer needed kprobe is removed.

This modifies kernel instruction text live, which means some functions are not allowed to be instrumented due to possible recursion. This does not work on ARM64 as kernel text is read only.

BPF can use kprobes via:

  • BCC - attack_kprobe & attach_kretprobee
  • bpftrace - krpboe & kretprobe

User level dynamic instrumentation, same as kprobes but are file based, when a function in an executable is traced, all processes using that file now and in the future are traced.

BPF can use uprobes via:

  • BCC - attach_uprobe & attach_uretprobe
  • bpftrace - uprobe & uretprobe


Static kernel instrumentation, added by kernel developers as subsystem:eventname. Tracepoints work by at compile time adding an noop instruction (5 byte) on x86_64, can later be replaced with a jmp. A tracepoint handler trampoline is added to the end of the function which iterates over an array of registered tracepoint callbacks.

On enabling tracepoint, replace nop with jmp to tracepoint trampoline. Add an entry to the tracepoints callback array and sync RCU (read,copy,update). Removed drops array entry and if last rpelace the jmp with nop.

  • bpftrace: tracepoint probe type

BPF raw tracepoints (BPF_RAW_TRACEPOINT) creates a stable tracepoint without creating arguments so consumers have to handle raw arguments. It's a lot faster and allows consumers acccess to all arguments. The downside is that arguments might change.

UDST (User-level statically defined tracing)

Can be added by software via systemdtap-sclt-dev or facebook's folly which defines macros for instrumentation points.


Performance monitoring counters, programmable hardware counters on the processor. PMC modes:

  • counting - keep trac of rate of events (kernel reads).
  • overflow sampling - PMC sends interrupts to the kerne lfor the event they are monitoring.

Performance analysis

  • latency - how long to accomplish a request or operation (in ms)
  • rate -an operation or request rate per second
  • throughput - typically data movmenet in bits or bytes / sec
  • utilization - how busy a resource is over time as percentage
  • cost - the price / performance ratio

Workload characterization, understand the applied workload:

  • Who is causing the load? (PID, process, name, UID, IP Address)
  • Why is the load called? (code path, stack trace, flame graph)
  • What is the load? (IOPS, throughput, type)
  • How is the load changing over time? (pre-interval summary)

Drill down analysis

Examing a metric, finding ways to decompose into components, and so forth.

  1. Start examing the highest level
  2. Examine next level details
  3. Pick the most interesting breakdown or clue
  4. If problem is unsolved, go back to step 2

USE metrics, Utilization, resource, errors.

60 second analysis:

  • uptime - quick overview of load avg, three numbers are exponentially moving sum averages 1, 5, 15 minute constant
  • dmesg | tail - shows OOM, TCP dropping request issues
  • vmstat - virtual memory stats.
    • R - processes running on CPU waiting for a turn (does not include disk I/O): R > cpu count => saturation.
    • free - free memory in KBytes
    • si/so - swap in & out =. non-zero out of memory.
    • us, sy, id, wa and st: cputime on avg. across all cpu's, user, system time (kernel), idle, wait I/O and stolen time.
  • mpstat -P ALL 1 - per cpu time broken down in stats. CPU0 => 100% user time => single threaded bottleneck.
  • pidstat 1 - cpu usage per process rolling output.
  • iostat -xz 1 - Storage device I/O metrics.
    • r/s, w/s - delivered reads, writes to the device
    • await - time spend waiting on I/O compeltion in ms
    • aqu_sz - average number of requests issued to the device. > 1 can indicate saturation.
    • %util - device utlization (busy %) > 60% usually means poor performance
  • free -m - available memory not zero
  • sar -n DEV 1 network device metrics
  • sar -n TCP,ECTP 1 TCP metrics & errors:
    • active/s - number of locally initiated TCP connections / sec
    • passive/s - numbe of remotly initiated TCP connections / sec
    • rtrans/s - number of retransmits / sec

BCC Tool checklist

  • execsnoop - shows new process execution by printing one line of output for every execve(2)
    • look for short lived processes often not seen by normal tools
  • opensoop - prints one line of output for each open(2)
    • ERR colomn shows files failed to open
  • ext4slower - traces common operations from ext4 fs (reads,writes, opens, syncs) and prints those that exceed the limit (10ms)
  • biolatency - traces disk I/O latency (time from device => completion) shown as histogram
  • biosnoop - prints a line of output for each disk I/O with details including latency
  • cachestat - prints a one line summary every second showing stats fro mthe FS cache
  • tcpconnect - prints one line of output for every active TCP connection (connect)
  • tcpaccept - prints one line of output for every passive TCP connection (accept)
  • tcpretrans - prints one line of output for every TCP retransmit package
  • runqlat - times how long threads were waiting for their turn on CPU. Longer than expected waits for CPU access can be identified.
  • profile - CPU profiler, a tool to understand which code paths are consuming CPU resources. It takes samples of stac ktraces at timed intervals and prints an summary of unqiue stack traces + count.



  • BPF Performance Tools



export PYTHONPATH=/home/jelle/projects/pytest-pacman:build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.9:.
PYTEST_PLUGINS=pytest_pacman.plugin pytest --fixtures

table view

Drop jQuery tablesorter


  • archweb repository security status for packages in dev dashboards
  • mirror signup form? Gitlab
  • dark theme / css
  • json output for dashboards for a Rust arch-package-status command!!

Dark mode

Big improvements

  • Mirror monitoring reminder emails
  • Keycloak SSO
  • Upstream SASS files
  • Rest API

Small things

  • todolist - add note support from staff (UX?)
  • todolist - add /todo/json endpoint and filter on status
  • detect untrusted / signed packages in archweb for example with zorun (old repo db)
  • performance stale relations
  • django performance
  • rebuilderd-status tests -> mock requests

kuse arch-common-style with SASS

  • django-sass
  • django-compressor?

Hyperkitty uses SASS

Mirror out of date

Create a new page with a list of out of date mirrors with a button for mirror maintainers to send an email. With a different template per issue:



  • Test groups
  • Test updating/changing groups and relogging in
  • Syncing groups/users periodicially
  • Used the sso_accountid anywhere? Read OIDC docs about it / what happens when email changes in keycloak
  • Test JavaScript XHR actions with OIDC
  • do we implement filter_users_by_claims
  • Hide password change logic from developer profile
  • Test Deny access for non Staff
  • Fix logout, not logging out of keycloak if that is desirable
  • Test new TU user login
  • The "Release Engineering" group is obsolete in archweb
  • Import sub ids for existing staff into archweb
  • Add Release Maintainers to Keycloak and add the logic for it
  • Onboard active testers to Keycloak, remove old testers
  • Move ex-developers/trusted users/staff to the retired group

Sync users from Keycloak

Most likely we want to create a new openid client which has "realm-management roles" such as "query-groups, query-users, view-users" and can periodically auth and sync keycloak-sync

Blocking bugs

  • It's broken with latest requests:
  • Document service admin example:
  • Keycloak Rest API

Self signed certificate issues with virtualenv

Fucking certifi not using the system CA bundle

# Your TLS certificates directory (Debian like)
export SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs
# CA bundle PATH (Debian like again)
export CA_BUNDLE_PATH="${SSL_CERT_DIR}/ca-certificates.crt"
# If you have a virtualenv:
. ./.venv/bin/activate
# Get the current certifi CA bundle
CERTFI_PATH=`python -c 'import certifi; print(certifi.where())'`


Invalid redirect uri generated by archweb.. not https but http...

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://keycloak.lxd/auth/realms/archlinux/protocol/openid-connect/token

Configuration issue with using ./ and resolved by setting SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER.

Devel queries

  • /devel for flagged testing if the package is in testing in_testing() is run for every "My Flagged Packages"
  • /packages/stale_relations PackageRelation.last_update is called for every package doing one query - 140 queries in 2500 ms.


1200 ms -> removing

  • Fix relation.get_associated_packages for all inactive user realtions, they trigger a query like: return Package.objects.normal().filter(pkgbase=self.pkgbase)


We should be able to support webseeds again in magnets

magnet uri scheme webseeds

wrong permissions

34 times calling for wrong_permissions

  • Fix relation.get_associated_packages for all stale_relations, they trigger a query like: return Package.objects.normal().filter(pkgbase=self.pkgbase)
<td class="wrap">{{ relation.user.userprofile.allowed_repos.all|join:", " }}</td>
<td class="wrap">{{ relation.repositories|join:", " }}</td>

Calls for pagination.. for everything

  • Inactive User Relations
  • Non-existant pkgbases
  • Maintainers with Wrong Permissions

98 similiar queries: SELECT ••• FROM "packages" INNER JOIN "repos" ON ("packages"."repo_id" = "repos"."id") INNER JOIN "arches" ON ("packages"."arch_id" = "arches"."id") WHERE "packages"."pkgbase" = 'libg15render' ORDER BY "packages"."pkgname" ASC

arch common styles

Make the navbar menu resizable

Rest API

  • Token auth for permission related requests
  • Pagination
  • Signoffs
  • Search with multiple inputs (packages)
  • Todo
  • Packages
  • Reports

django-rest-framework graphene-django django-graph-api django-restsql

Python packaging


In the limited C API 3.14 and newer, Py_TYPE() and Py_REFCNT() are now implemented as an opaque function call to hide implementation details. (Contributed by Victor Stinner in gh-120600 and gh-124127.)



  • drop python-pytest7
  • PEP517 MR's
  • drop python-nose
  • drop python-eventlet like Fedora
  • drop python-six
  • drop python-future
  • drop python-async-timeout
    • python-redis
    • python-aioesphomeapi
    • python-zeroconf
    • python-aiopg
    • python-dbus-fast
    • esphome
    • python-asyncpg
    • python-jeepney
    • python-bleak
  • drop using python-pytest-cov in our tests
  • drop python-importlib-metdata
  • drop python-importlib_resources
  • fix packages with checkdepends without running check()
  • build with PEP517
  • backport package python-typing_extensions
  • backport package python-unicodedata2 =>
  • update packaging guidelines and remove nose
  • removed in Python 3.14 and fedora bug
    • argparse
    • ast
    • importlib
    • pkgutil.get_loader / find_loader
    • pty.master_open() and pty.slave_open().
    • typing.ByteString
    • asyncio

remove python-py

  • python-pytest-forked - create bug report


Convert packages to use either pytest or python -m unittest

  • run nose doctests with pytest

List generated with pacquery python-nose | jq -r '.[].required_by | join("\n* [ ] ")'

  • python-j2cli
  • vigra
  • python-repoze.lru
  • python-ipython-genutils
  • shadowsocks
  • python-hglib
  • python-xmltodict
  • python-agate
  • python-lockfile
  • python-sure
  • python-zope-deprecation
  • python-jaconv
  • python-vigra
  • yapf
  • python-passlib
  • python-flask-restful
  • python-pyqrcode
  • lutris
  • python-astor
  • python-xlib

Drop pytest-coverage as checkdepends

Either use -o addopts='' when possible or sed it out.

Major release

Arch's Python modules store the version number in the module path meaning they won't be picked up by a new Python release for example 3.11 => 3.12.

  • bump Python and rebuild it in a separate branch
  • bootstrap
  • find incompatible packages upfront?

Package: python-bootstrap-evil

Rebuild order

The python package repo has a script called genrebuild this should include all packages required for the rebuild:

Figuring out the order: (TODO: exclude bootstraped build packages)

./genrebuild > rebuild-list.txt
cat rebuild-list.txt | xargs expac -Sv %n | sort | uniq > final.txt

For some reason our files.db include old packages which are no longer in the repos, arch-rebuild-order hard fails on missing packages so we clean those out with an ugly expac hack.

We can use arch-rebuild-order, it does not handle cyclic depenendencies but should be good enough (tm):

arch-rebuild-order --no-reverse-depends $(cat ./final.txt)

Python bootstrapping

Custom repository:

cp /usr/share/devtools/pacman-staging.conf /usr/share/devtools/pacman-python.conf

Edit the config file and add above [staging]

SigLevel = Optional
Server =
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/archbuild /usr/bin/python-x86_64-build
repo-add python.db.tar.gz *.pkg.tar.zst
sudo python-x86_64-build --  -- --nocheck


  1. First build python-bootstrap (from svn-packages) with Python 3.X
  2. Yeet the packages into a pacman repository
  3. Build flit-core with bootstrapped build and installer
  4. Build python-installer comment out the sphinx build and repo-add it
  5. Build python-packaging (requires build,installer,flit-core). HACK: PYTHONPATH=src python -m build -nw required by python-build!
  6. Build python-build comment out the sphinx build and repo-add it
  7. Build python-pyproject-hooks and repo-add it
  8. build python-jaraco.text (requirement for bootstrap build of setuptools)
  9. build python-setuptools => bootstrap python-jaraco.text and tons more...
  10. Or build python-setuptools with export PYTHONPATH=/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/
  11. Wheel needs jaraco.functools and shit..

Parsing metadata

Parsing METADATA from Python package

import sys

from packaging.metadata import parse_email, Metadata

raw, unparsed = parse_email(metadata)
parsed = Metadata.from_raw(raw)

pyversion = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}"
environment = {'python_version': pyversion}
deps = []
for dep in parsed.requires_dist:
    if dep.marker is None:
    if 'python_version' in str(dep.marker) and dep.marker.evaluate(environment)
    # do something with extra, by filling in the "extra" env

But we also need to detect:


User DB

Provide user records via a small varlink Python program which queries Keycloak for users, groups and roles.

The goal is to easily manager users / groups on our servers without having to run Ansible for changes.


  • package python-varlink
    • a bit unmaintained, depends on python-future (no longer exists in Arch). Easier to drop Python 2 support (and retired in c9s)
    • nose2/fixtures test dependencies are not amazing, pytest?
    • make docs are broken -> PYTHONPATH=. sphinx-build
    • setuptools_scm_git_archive This plugin is obsolete. setuptools_scm >= 7.0.0 supports Git archives by itself. (Can only be solved by moving to Python 3 only and requiring modern setuptools_scm)
    • tox setup is totally borked, also test on newer Python
    • run tests on pull request
  • write a simple python varlink script which exposes GetUsers/ GetGroups and provide mock data to test how this works
  • figure out service accounts which can query user / groups with Keycloak
  • setup a "repepeatable" Keycloak container for development
  • let the keycloak container talk with an easily deployable test vm
  • package python-keycloak
  • investigate if we can generate sphinx API docs from varlink definitions in systemd

Technical documentation


varlinkctl introspect /run/systemd/userdb/io.systemd.DynamicUser io.systemd.UserDatabase


Battery charge limits / profiles


meson setup --prefix /tmp --libexecdir lib --sbindir bin --reconfigure build
meson compile -C build
  • Figure out how to read udev env variables in upower
  • Check if the steamdeck supports battery charge limits
  • ChargeLimitEnabled property which also can be set by the client, and monitored for changes
  • Save the state if battery limitting is enabled in /var/lib/upower/battery_saving as the embedded controller, might not save the start/stop threshold and resetting the bios/battery at 0% might reset it.
  • Figure out how to expose the dbus option, so a property
  • LG/Asus/Toshiba only have end charge limits
  • Ask the Valve guys about power charge limitting interests (likely not due to gamescope / KDE) can it be done in firmware
  • Hack control-center to read UPower properties and setting
  • Investigate Surface BIOS it supports setting Enable Battery Limit Mode, which limits charging to 80%.
  • When upower sets the charge limits it should read then back as not all
  • leaf requies GNOME to know what is up (Battery status). Depends on Alan / GNOME Design descision
  • borrow framework and write EC charge_control_support hardware support arbitrary percentages. FIXME? Required?
  • Mail Arvid Norlander if Toshiba laptops have a start limit
  • wCPO Asus suggests 58/60%
  • LG only has 80 and 100 as end charge limit
  • Toshiba only has 80 and 100 as end charge limit
  • Extend the kernel API to show valid charge options?
  • Add an allowed values? sysfs entry for charge_control_end_limits [80 100] => send a RFC to the mailing list
  • Add documentation for the LG/ASUS/Toshiba stop thresholds special cases
  • Ask Dell about exposting charge_control_*_threshold's
  • Framework driver

Upstream / standarize

For all existing and new laptops support /sys/class/power_supply/<supply_name>/charge_type

  • port toshiba (drivers/platform/x86/toshiba-wmi.c)
    • move to power_supply_register_extension (see drivers/power/supply/cros_charge-control.c)
    • charge_types
  • Ask on Revspace
  • Ask Arch staff

Gnome Settings

busctl call org.freedesktop.UPower /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 org.freedesktop.UPower.Device EnableChargeThreshold b true

UPower Git issues

  • On startup charge-threshold-supported is FALSE, after I toggle a dbus setting we re-read it and it's true this should be read on startup!!!
  • Implement the switch functionality, setting the DBus property
  • Removes lid handling 07565ef6a1aa4a115f8ce51e259e408edbaed4cc as systemd does it? What should gnome do?
$ busctl get-property org.freedesktop.login1 /org/freedesktop/login1 org.freedesktop.login1.Manager LidClosed
b false
15:50:57 hansg | Hmm, mutter depend ook op upower for LID change monitoring, maar alleen via DBUS. Dus ik zou zeggen reverten met de change die LID support dropped van upower voor nu. Tot dat
               | er een alternatief is.  (alternatief is waarschijnlijk LID-switch support toevoegen aan libinput en dan mutter dat laten gebruiken en gnome-control-center het aan mutter laten
               | vragen ..,)
  • Unrelated, but we could easily implement a Linger property changed Just emit here?
static int method_set_user_linger(sd_bus_message *message, void *userdata, sd_bus_error *error) {
        _cleanup_(sd_bus_creds_unrefp) sd_bus_creds *creds = NULL;
  • Handle get_devices changes => REVERT
  • How do we get the current charge levels into the translated text label?

GTK tutorial/intro

Follow up

  • framework charge_control settings
  • multiple USB keyboard's with backlight laptop + USB
  • Dell privacy screen switch state to libinput to mutter (ask Hans for hardware)
  • USB re-pluggable usb keyboard backlight support in upower (ask Hans for hardware)
  • Steam Deck enhancements?

meson warnings

Build targets in project: 36
NOTICE: Future-deprecated features used:
 * 1.1.0: {'"boolean option" keyword argument "value" of type str'}

Battery charge limit

New idea, use hwdb for profiles

Match if /sys/class/power_supply/*


ACTION=="remove", GOTO="battery_end"

# sensor:<model_name>:dmi:<dmi pattern>

SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", KERNEL=="BAT*", \
  IMPORT{builtin}="hwdb 'battery:$attr{model_name}:$attr{[dmi/id]modalias}'", \





Like /usr/lib/udev/hwdb.d/60-sensor.hwdb

Testing is done with udevadm

udevadm test /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0

Hard loading

sudo systemd-hwdb update --strict || echo 'could not parse succesfully'
sudo udevadm trigger -v -p /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0

udevadm info -q all /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0
  • multi battery laptop, we should also allow match on "BAT*"
  • systemd PR for hwdb.d/ ?!

To add local entries, create a new file /etc/udev/hwdb.d/61-battery-local.hwdb

systemd-hwdb update
udevadm trigger -v -p DEVNAME=/dev/iio:deviceXXX




dmi=T14sGen1 & T14S

Multiple batteries



Where dmi is a glob match on /sys/class/dmi/id/modalias so *T14sGen1*

battery is an entry in /sys/class/power_supply


a{s} of battery limit profiles

  • Enable()
  • Supported Property?
  • Start Property
  • End Property


  • Not all laptops/hardware supports the same settings so setting on 80 might be 90.


To not show too many profiles at once we should maybe just support an Enum of modes and every profile has a mode entry and in theory we could "extend" this in the future.

  • low power
  • docked
  • travel
  • conservative?


Supports it through a non-standard knob max_battery_charge_level, kernel source and driver code.

  • how do I write a proper driver which uses charge_control_end_threshold
  • how do other drivers do this?
  • how does this get to power_supply?
  • how is the power_supply class created?


Forum Post about the EC with charge limit mention Blog post about EC and charge limit Official framework EC code Charge limit code? Charge controller chip Datasheet

Setting min charge threshold

  • Contact dhowett about mainlining the kernel driver

No min. percentage available Does it require just setting SYSTEM_BBRAM_IDX_CHG_MIN to support? Does hardware understand that? seems _MIN is totally not supported?

The embedded controller is a MEC1701, but what is the charge control chip?

Kernel Driver

Some patches have been submitted and merged to support the Framework cros_ec LPC driver. However Framework extended the Chromebook? EC code with charge control which is not merged into the kernel

So our kernel driver should use the EC controller and obtain a reference to it somehow, a driver that interacts with the chromeOS EC is


See for example a function which calls an EC command:

static int cros_usbpd_charger_ec_command(struct charger_data *charger,

For a charge limit driver we likely need to write a driver similiar to msi-ec.c in drivers/platform/x86, something like drivers/platform/x86/framework-ec.c


  • How do we bind the EC controller? And do we need too?
  • It's a module_platform_driver, how does that determine when it needs to be loaded or is this some DeviceTree thing? The cros_usbpd driver does it like this, but how does that work?
static int cros_usbpd_charger_probe(struct platform_device *pd)
	struct cros_ec_dev *ec_dev = dev_get_drvdata(pd->dev.parent);
	struct cros_ec_device *ec_device = ec_dev->ec_dev;

wmi_ec uses ec_read which in turn calls acpi_ec_read. The driver binds based on DMI strings.

  • What should the framework-ec driver use?

Mainline OpenRazer power bits so upower works out of the box

A user made a bug report to support openrazer's sysfs attributes for charging/battery readout. This driver sadly exports custom sysfs attributes while it should implement a power_supply such as the logitech hid-logitech-hidpp.c driver which upower can automatically pick up

Charging bits are read here

  • Obtain hardware with an USB dongle, bluetooth might work out of the box?
  • How does one implement a power_supply driver?
  • Contact upstream about mainlining, note that the driver exposes far more stuff over sysfs which likely can't be mainlined nor do I have interest in.

Battery Calibration

After Charge limits we should consider working on battery calibration. To inhibit the system, we can use a systemd dbus call just like cc-color-calibrate does in gnome-control-center.

UPower instead should probably talk to systemd to to inhibit and it works as following:

UPower adds:

  • BAT0->Calibrate()
  • BAT0->IsCalibrating = bool

User calls BAT0->Calibrate() We set IsCalibrating = true We inhibit the current session We disallow changing the charge limits We disable charge limits We 'full-discharge' to /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/charge_behaviour We keep track of where we are, so discharge X% => 0% and then 0% => 100% is a full calibration We restore charge limits if set Once completed we set isCalibrating to False.

Short schema:

    User->>UPower: BAT0->Calibrate()
    UPower->>UPower: IsCalibrating = true;
    UPower->>UPower: Inhibit desktop session
    UPower->>UPower: Disallow changing charge limits
    UPower->>UPower: Disable charge limits
    UPower->>UPower: Set `full-discharge` to `charge_behaviour`
    UPower->>UPower: Keep track of dischargin and charging to 100%
    UPower->>UPower: Restore charge limits
    UPower->>UPower: IsCalibrating = false;
    UPower->>User: Done


  • do we want to inhibit?
  • systemd support has to be optional?
  • do we want a new "icon-name" when calibrating?
  • "Not charging" -> should become "Calibrating" in gnome
  • User should see an indication of "changes", is that energy/energy-full?

# Mkosi for Arch Boxes


  • vagrant blogpost
  • building in CI
  • testing mkosi build images! (in CI)
  • reproducible images
  • talk!


  • how do we make btrfs partition of 40GB for basic
  • how do I add a user with sudo? =>
  • how do I cache the package manager step
  • how do I create a qcow2 after the final step? => mkosi.postoutput
  • how do we make profiles?
    • profile for basic
    • profile for cloud-init
    • profile for vagrant
    • profile for vagrant-libvirt
  • do we need to remove /etc/machine-id?
  • get mkswapfile / btrfs swap working by default => create it on first boot?!
  • How do we apply sed -i 's/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.*/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"rootflags=compress-force=zstd\"/' "${MOUNT}/etc/default/grub"
  • how do we apply, this is apparently what all cloud images do (cloud-init image) echo 'GRUB_TERMINAL="serial console"' >>"${MOUNT}/etc/default/grub" echo 'GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=115200"' >>"${MOUNT}/etc/default/grub"
  • systemd-firstboot queries with timezone, this is unwanted!!!




  • mkosi
  • systemd-ukify
  • grub
  • btrfs-progs


cd projects/arch-boxes/cloud-init-image
mkdir mkosi.{cache,output}
mkosi build


  • SourceDateEpoch=
  • Seed=
  • Pin mirrors to a fixed set. (OR introduce .BUILDINFO, harder imo)
  • FS allocation might be unreproducible

Some documentation: mkosi reproducible:


  • image too big for diffoscope
  • how to diff an EFI executable, not supported by diffoscope it seems
  • split up the problem in smaller steps
    • is btrfs swapfile repro
    • is mkfs.btrfs repro
    • what about ext4


mkfs.btrfs is not reproducible.

qemu-img create -f raw test1.img 2G
qemu-img create -f raw test2.img 2G

0414cac598ebfa08e8e9c6d2544aa414385b9985c5d67d7a8746aa64324c715fa96ff63351016d30dd2b89276252c121c71619f15496b5ca95785d0b25fe4dfd  test2.img
0414cac598ebfa08e8e9c6d2544aa414385b9985c5d67d7a8746aa64324c715fa96ff63351016d30dd2b89276252c121c71619f15496b5ca95785d0b25fe4dfd  test1.img

mkfs.btrfs -f -L arch -U 58c7d0b2-d224-4834-a16f-e036322e88f7 test1.img
mkfs.btrfs -f -L arch -U 58c7d0b2-d224-4834-a16f-e036322e88f7 test2.img

Building in container in CI

  • Can we do this by default?
  • Try out a gitlab action

CI testing

  • Can we boot tests in CI
  • Can we boot test in CI? Check if swap is enabled etc.? Systemd units run? systemctl --failed is green?
  • Use mkosi ssh?


How do we apply, this is apparently what all cloud images do (cloud-init image) echo 'GRUB_TERMINAL="serial console"' >>"${MOUNT}/etc/default/grub" echo 'GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=115200"' >>"${MOUNT}/etc/default/grub"

This is for hosting companies like hetzner if they don't offer a VNC view.

[root@archlinux ~]# grep serial /boot/grub/grub.cfg
serial --speed=115200
terminal_input serial console
terminal_output serial console
[root@archlinux ~]# cat /proc/cmdline
BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=d7d6a869-2230-43de-b3c4-23cb261ac1bd rw net.ifnames=0 console=ttyS0,115200 rootflags=compress-force=zstd console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200

Current mkosi image

net.ifnames=0 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200
  1. Vendor grub.cfg - meh
  2. provide default grub.cfg which mkosi can append too
  3. Somehow sed it in an mkosi script?

Editing /etc/default/grub in mkosi.finalize does not seem to work, which runs before grub

Mkosi issues

Should mkosi qemu read BiosBootLoader options and then use mkosi --qemu-firmware bios qemu

  • How to exit QEMU? Maybe add ctrl+] support like nspawn? => ctrl+a x in QEMU

modifications in mkosi qemu stay, seems somewhat unexpected

Vagrant images

  • What is vagrant?
  • What does it support?
  • What is its image format?
  • How do we build this?
  • How to make this in mkosi?


Vagrant was a popular way to setup a development virtual machine for projects, all you had to do is provide a Vagrantfile and vagrant up would setup a development VM and for example mount your code into the VM via sshfs.

The image you use in your Vagrantfile are called boxes in Vagrant's terminology and are hosted by the Vagrant project.

Vagrant also supports the concept of providers, these are the backends on which the box would run, the default being virtualbox, alternatives are hyperv, libvirt and more.


Usually the vagrant boxes are made using packer, but other tools such as kiwi, osbuild (only libvirt provider) also support creating these boxes. The alternative tools usually only support a subset of the providers packer supports. In the Linux community virtualbox and libvirt are usually the most popular ones. At least this is what Arch Linux supports.

The base box format is described in a very short summary what needs to be in the image:

  • Package manager
  • SSH server enabled and running
  • A vagrant user with SSH pubkey and password-less sudo
  • Enough disk space to do interesting things
  • Provider specific tools (for example virtualbox guest tools)

The image format is provider dependant and is described for Virtualbox and libvirt.



local virtual_size
virtual_size="$(grep -o "^[0-9]*" <<<"${DISK_SIZE}")"
echo '{"format":"qcow2","provider":"libvirt","virtual_size":'"${virtual_size}"'}' >metadata.json
qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 "${1}" box.img
rm "${1}"

tar -czf "${2}" Vagrantfile metadata.json box.img



Arch Linux is working on making packages 100% reproducible, currently we are ~ 90% reproducible but so far we haven't looked at reproducing our produced images.

The most common reproducibility issues are timestamps, hostnames, and other versioned identifiers (kernel, etc.), locale and build paths can also be recorded in the resulting artificat twarting reproducibility.

What does this mean for making an reproducible images?

  • Our minimal container image is already reproducible
  • Installed packages need to reproducible
  • Kernel notably is not reproducible

The goal is to allow others to reproduce the arch image bit by bit so we have to reduce any variation for this we can:

  • Pin the package repository of the build image to a fixed date (Arch Linux has support for this using the Archive)
  • Build an image with the same package set and compare


  • The created cloud image is big!
  • Diffoscope simply OOM's
  • We need to reduce the problem scope and tackle things one by one


  • The generated UKI is not reproducible, (a seperate build artifact)
  • Diffing images is hard, so we work on a directory first (supported output type)
mkosi -d arch -p systemd --format directory -o foo -m
mkosi -d arch -p systemd --format directory -o bar -m
sudo diffoscope foo bar --html-dir output
xdg-open output/index.html

Timestamps, timestamps everywhere

export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=1662046009
mkosi -d arch -p systemd --format directory --source-date-epoch $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH -o foo -m
mkosi -d arch -p systemd --format directory --source-date-epoch $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH -o bar -m

This is a lot better!

  • Look at what mkosi does

Now the leftover issues are:

  • var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache - we can opt to remove this post creation (post install script)
  • var/lib/pacman/local/*
21	1722251133	21	1722251028


	/* make an install date (in UTC) */
	newpkg->installdate = time(NULL);
sed -i -e '/INSTALLDATE/{n;s/.*/0/}' "${BUILDROOT}"/var/lib/pacman/local/*/desc || true

Now with a cloud image:

mkosi -d arch -p systemd -p linux -p base -p grub -p openssh -p sudo -p reflector -p btrfs-progs -p udev --source-date-epoch 1662046009 --format directory -o bar -m

This OOM's. on foo/boot arch-6.9.7-arch1-1.efi:

Directory containing the UKI

Also unreproducible: bar/efi/loader/random-seed comes from bootctl?

UKI tools:

  • llvm-objdump
  • pe-inspect (virt-firmware)
  • ukify inspect

Different sector: .initrd

  size: 202577872 bytes
  sha256: 04a3e836f5120c1991dda74285293fe9f7badf2f40602eb4587a9a2b37e8cadf
  size: 202577856 bytes
  sha256: b6cc6d6b62c0bd0e4d108a550bb8b59693fa79184987990d708348b40a316cd9


  • var/cache/ldconfig
dump2efs test1.img > test1.txt
dump2efs test2.img > test1.txt
diffoscope test1.txt test2.txt
fallocate -l0.1G test1.img
mkfs.ext4 -U c1b9d5a2-f162-11cf-9ece-0020afc76f16 -E hash_seed=a24031c1-fc68-453d-80fa-00ad057a5780  test1.img

mkosi.conf.d/30-debian-ubuntu/mkosi.conf.d/20-ext4-orphan-file.conf:Environment=SYSTEMD_REPART_MKFS_OPTIONS_EXT4="-O ^orphan_file"

Environment=SYSTEMD_REPART_MKFS_OPTIONS_EXT4="-E hash_seed=a24031c1-fc68-453d-80fa-00ad057a5780"

To Do mkosi this!

mkosi --debug -d arch -p systemd --seed 0e9a6fe0-68f6-408c-bbeb-136054d20445 --source-date-epoch 1662046009 -m --force -o foo --env-file env  --remove-files var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache --environment=SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug


SYSTEMD_REPART_MKFS_OPTIONS_EXT4=-E hash_seed=a24031c1-fc68-453d-80fa-00ad057a5780 -U 6de632fe-7638-44c4-917c-ecf4170af3b4
mkosi --debug -d arch -p systemd -p udev  --seed 0e9a6fe0-68f6-408c-bbeb-136054d20445 --source-date-epoch 1662046009 -m --force -o bar --env-file env --remove-files var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache --environment=SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug

But adding -p linux fails, this probably installs a boot loader which is the issue?

The issue is likely making it bootable

mkosi --debug -d arch -p systemd -p udev -p linux --seed 0e9a6fe0-68f6-408c-bbeb-136054d20445 --source-date-epoch 1662046009 -m --bootable false --force -o bar --env-file env --remove-files var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache --environment=SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug

vfat reproducible issues:

cfdisk foo.raw
cfdisk bar.raw

Show the same meta-data

Mounting with losetup shows:

losetup --find --show -P bar.raw

Mounting and diffoscope shows difference in

sudo mount /dev/loop1p1 -o ro /tmp/foo
sudo mount /dev/loop2p1 -o ro /tmp/bar

EFI directory and mtimes, they are recent. Unsure if due to mounting +Modify: 2024-08-24 14:23:34.000000000 +0000

[jelle@natrium][~/projects/arch-mkosi-boxes/reproducible/mkosi.output]%mkfs.vfat -i e7b87c0d -n ESP -F 32 -S 4096 test1.img
mkfs.fat 4.2 (2021-01-31)
[jelle@natrium][~/projects/arch-mkosi-boxes/reproducible/mkosi.output]%mkfs.vfat -i e7b87c0d -n ESP -F 32 -S 4096 test2.img
mkfs.fat 4.2 (2021-01-31)
[jelle@natrium][~/projects/arch-mkosi-boxes/reproducible/mkosi.output]%md5sum test1.img test2.img
9d95cb024f4a79a76345de000568dd0e  test1.img
2ccc5c8845667d6afe943c6ce1c6bd40  test2.img


But after that we are still not reproducible....

But when mounting and diffing the FS it is. So must be some other meta-data

Useful tools:

sfdisk -J foo.raw

0022000E 56 43
00220016 56 43
0022002E 56 43
00220036 56 43
0022004E 56 43
00220056 56 43
0022100E 56 43
00221016 56 43
0022102E 56 43
00221036 56 43
0D07500E 56 43
0D075016 56 43
0D07502E 56 43
0D075036 56 43

So systemd-repart implements creating fat partitions by:

  • mkfs.vfat
  • mcopy (mtools) the stuff into the fat partition.

Executing mkfs command: mkfs.vfat -i e7b87c0d -n ESP -F 32 /var/tmp/repart-OWnjo5 -S 4096 Executing mkfs command: mkfs.vfat -i e7b87c0d -n ESP -F 32 /var/tmp/repart-TA8zUX -S 4096

dd if=bar.raw of=bar-boot.raw bs=512 skip=2048 count=1048576 status=progress 

Reproducible if I copy out one file, so time to:

  • Find the list of files copied either debug systemd-repart build or grab from mkosi
  • Make a reproducer with mcopy / mkfs.vfat

systemd-repart takes CopyFiles, copies the source to a tmpdir var_tmp_dir and then passes this over to mcopy

# CopyFiles=/boot:/
SizeMinBytes={"1G" if bios else "512M"}
SizeMaxBytes={"1G" if bios else "512M"}
‣  Normalizing modification times of /boot
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/boot/loader
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/boot/EFI
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/boot/loader/entries.srel
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/boot/loader/entries
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/boot/EFI/Linux
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/boot/EFI/Linux/arch-6.9.7-arch1-1.efi
‣  Normalizing modification times of /efi
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/efi/EFI
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/efi/loader
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/efi/EFI/systemd
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/efi/EFI/BOOT
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/efi/loader/loader.conf
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootia32.efi
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI
‣ Normalize mtime of /home/jelle/.cache/mkosi/mkosi-workspace-9gik1art/root/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI

Filesystems reproducible

  • vfat - with patch
  • ext4 - yes
  • xfs
  • btrfs


fallocate -l512M test1.img
fallocate -l512M test2.img
mkfs.vfat -i e7b87c0d -n ESP -F 32 -S 4096 test1.img
mkfs.vfat -i e7b87c0d -n ESP -F 32 -S 4096 test2.img
TZ=UTC mcopy -p -s -Q -m -i test1.img boot efi :: && echo 1
TZ=UTC mcopy -p -s -Q -m -i test2.img boot efi :: && echo 1

mcopy -s -p -Q -m -i /var/tmp/repart-kAScbM /var/tmp/.#repartafc0df669fc911a5/EFI /var/tmp/.#repartafc0df669fc911a5/loader ::

total 0
drwx------ 1 root root 46 Jan  1  1970 BOOT
drwx------ 1 root root 44 Jan  1  1970 Linux
drwx------ 1 root root 78 Jan  1  1970 systemd
total 8.0K
drwx------ 1 root root  0 Jan  1  1970 entries
-rw------- 1 root root  6 Jan  1  1970 entries.srel
-rw-r----- 1 root root 30 Jan  1  1970 loader.conf
drwx------ 1 root root 32 Aug 29 19:59 EFI
drwx------ 1 root root 60 Aug 29 19:59 loader
total 0
drwx------ 1 root root 32 Aug 29 20:02 EFI
drwx------ 1 root root 60 Aug 29 20:02 loader

mcopy -i option not documented

There is an mtools mailing list at Please send all bug reports to this list. Note: You must be subscribed to the list in order to be able to send comments.


if (blk == MKFS_FS_TREE) {
	time_t now = time(NULL);
static int make_root_dir(struct btrfs_trans_handle *trans,
		struct btrfs_root *root)
	struct btrfs_key location;
	int ret;

	ret = btrfs_make_root_dir(trans, root->fs_info->tree_root,

From: 3362

To: 3300


Apparently can be made reproducible.


fallocate -l 5M test1.img
fallocate -l 5M test2.img
mkfs.f2fs -U 588114f7-e142-40a1-8b99-30db4519183e -f  -r test2.img
[jelle@natrium][~/Downloads/tmp]%~/Downloads/ test1.img test2.img
01000020 56 59
01000028 56 59
01000030 56 59
 1000000 41ed 0000 03e8 0000 03e8 0000 0002 0000
 1000010 1000 0000 0000 0000 0002 0000 0000 0000
-1000020 3b39 66ca 0000 0000 3b39 66ca 0000 0000
-1000030 3b39 66ca 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
+1000020 3b3b 66ca 0000 0000 3b3b 66ca 0000 0000
+1000030 3b3b 66ca 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
 1000040 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0000 0000
 1000050 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
-01000020  39 3b ca 66 00 00 00 00  39 3b ca 66 00 00 00 00  |9;.f....9;.f....|
-01000030  39 3b ca 66 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |9;.f............|
+01000020  3b 3b ca 66 00 00 00 00  3b 3b ca 66 00 00 00 00  |;;.f....;;.f....|
+01000030  3b 3b ca 66 00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |;;.f............|

-T 0

Can be made reproducible with:

mkfs.f2fs -T0 -r

 -r set checkpointing seed (srand()) to 0
 -T timestamps


  • 32 bit EFI
  • 32 bit EFI eltorito
  • 64 bit EFI
  • 64 bit EFI eltorito
  • BIOS boot
  • BIOS boot el torito

WHY 2025 Camp


entertainment / fun

  • Silly ideas?


Open source karaoke thingies:

  • 🇺🇸Boo goo dolls - Iris
  • 🇺🇸Greenday - Basket case
  • 🇺🇸Eminem - Lose Yourself
  • 🇩🇰That annoying danish song
  • 🇸🇪Tonsatt - När Man Festar Festar Man - Edward Blom Remixad
  • 🇮🇸KALEO - Vor í Vaglaskógi
  • 🇮🇸The Rasmus - In the Shadows
  • 🇮🇸Daði Freyr (Daði & Gagnamagnið) – Think About Things
  • 🇳🇱Lil Kleine & Ronnie Flex - Drank & Drugs
  • 🇳🇱Lil Kleine & Ronnie Flex - Stoff & Schnaps
  • 🇳🇱 The Amazing Stroopwafels - Oude Maasweg
  • 🇳🇱Het Goede Doel - Belgie
  • 🇩🇪NENA - 99 Luftballons
  • 🇩🇪Scooter - How Much Is The Fish?
  • 🇫🇮Darude - Sandstorm
  • 🇳🇴Aha - Take on Me
  • 🇳🇴Ylvis - The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?)
  • 🇸🇪ABBA - Dancing Queen
  • 🇩🇰Aqua - Barbie Girl
  • t.A.T.u. - All The Things She Said
  • 🇦🇺Partiboi69 - K On My D+C Feat. Juicy Romance
  • 🇦🇺Men At Work - Down Under
  • 🇨🇦Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance
  • 🇮🇳 Panjabi MC - Mundian To Bach Ke (Beware Of The Boys)
  • 🇯🇵Miki Matsubara - Stay With Me
  • 🇯🇵Manuel - Gas Gas Gas
  • 🇯🇵Hatsune Miku - Ievan Polkka
  • 🇰🇷 PSY - DADDY
  • 🇫🇷Alizée - J'en Ai Marre
  • 🇬🇧 Oasis - Wonderwall
  • 🇬🇧 Queen - bohemian rhapsody
  • 🇬🇧 Beatles - I am the walrus
  • 🇮🇪 The Cranberries - Zombie
  • 🇲🇩O-Zone - Dragostea Din Tei

BTRFS Support

Cockpit btrfs support, initial read only support has landed with create/delete subvolume support on the way. Some missing features in general are:

  • UDisks improvements
  • Further tests
  • Resize/Grow support
  • Multi device support
    • Adding a new device to a filesystem
    • Remove a device from a filesystem
  • Volume creation support
    • RAID1/RAID5 etc.
  • Snapshots support
  • Quota support
  • Robistifcation of libblockdev

Studying btrfs

pure python-btrfs bindings:

UDisks Improvements

  • use udisks for listing subvolumes (GetSubvolumes) currently does not work well for us due to MountPoints notes
  • use udisks CreateSubvolume, issue (does not work as it always selects the first mountpoint)
  • use udisks CreateSnapshot, issue (does not work as it always selects the first mountpoint)
  • use udisks DeleteSubvolume issue (does not work as it always selects the first mountpoint and no recursive removal support)
  • reproduce the issue below and create a good bug report


Repeatedly adding/removing a device to a volume either loses an udev event or udisks does not pick up a udev event.

btrfs device add /dev/mapper/vgroup0-lvol1 /mnt/data; date
btrfs device remove /dev/mapper/vgroup0-lvol1 /mnt/data; date

This generates a udev event, it's udisks which no longer knows!

Further tests

Test setting a different default subvolume in btrfs and see how Cockpit handles this.

Resize / Grow support

Should be exposed by UDisks, see dbus docs.

Multi device support

CreateVolume exists in UDisks and should be implemented like LVM in Cockpit. It works a bit different then LVM in that metadata and data can have different raid profiles.

Finding out what multi device profile was selected can only be done via:

btrfs --format json filesystem df $mountpoint

For options see mkfs.btrfs --help

A device can be added or removed with AddDevice and RemoveDevice but currently we can't detect when a drive is missing or obtain health stats from the "array".

UDisks does not know about missing devices see, btrfs filesystem show does but it is hard to parse:

echo >/sys/block/sdx/device/delete

Label: 'fedora-test'  uuid: cece4dd8-6168-4c88-a4a8-f7c51ed4f82b
Total devices 3 FS bytes used 2.08GiB
devid    1 size 11.92GiB used 3.56GiB path /dev/vda5
devid    2 size 0 used 0 path /dev/sda MISSING
devid    3 size 512.00MiB used 0.00B path /dev/sdc

In LVM in UDisks this is shows as VolumeGroup => MissingPhysicalVolumes readable as

  • Teach libblockdev to expose the data and metadata profile
    • Expand libblockdev with filesystem information using btrfs --format json filesystem $mountpoint
  • Teach udisks to expose missing disks
    • Expand libblockdev BDBtrfsDeviceInfo with missing bool field
    • Teach libblockdev bd_btrfs_list_devices to detect missing devices
  • Read up if btrfs exposes any health stats about the array and if it was synced
  • Research if an array needs to be balanced when a device is added as this does not happen automatically
    • Implement btrfs balance in libblockdev
    • Expose balance start/end in UDisks, requires a job API


C test program

./configure --build=x86_64-pc-linux
gcc -O0 -ggdb -I /home/jelle/projects/btrfs-progs -L /home/jelle/projects/btrfs-progs -lbtrfsutil test.c
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jelle/projects/btrfs-progs ./a.out

Running build Python module:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/jelle/projects/btrfs-progs  PYTHONPATH=libbtrfsutil/python valgrind --leak-check=full  python3

Snapshots support

We currently list all subvolumes, so also snapshots. Cockpit should display snapshots and regular subvolumes different and also check if they are readonly or not.

  • Listing snapshots different, how do we identify if it is a snapshot can we only differentiate between btrfs subvolume list -s and without?
  • Snapshot creation
    • Extend the create subvolume or create a new menu entry for Create snapshot
    • Add option to create a readonly snapshot
    • can't use UDisks for this as it suffers from the same issue as CreateSubvolume (getting the first mount point)
  • Snapshot deletion - should be the same as a normal subvolume removal, just needs tests

Quota support

  • Learn about quotas
  • Expose quotas via libblockdev
    • Create quota group support
    • Create subvolume allow setting quotas

Robistifcation of libblockdev

Use libbtrfsutil where possible instead of shelling out btrfs.

  • Port create/delete subvolume to libbtrfsutil
    • Use btrfs_util_delete_subvolume
    • Extend delete with a new flag for BTRFS_UTIL_DELETE_SUBVOLUME_RECURSIVE
    • Use btrfs_util_create_subvolume
  • Port create_snapshot to libbtrfsutil
  • Port listing subvolumes to libbtrfsutil
  • libbtrfsutil extending
    • extend libbtrfsutil with per device or volume information like btrfs filesystem show and/or data/metadata
    • add addDevice/removeDevice support if allowed
    • add createVolume support if allowed
    • setLabel support

Old notes


Just directories under a subvolume

default subvolume id [5] is the ultimate root of every btrfs filesystem

Usually mounted as:

UUID=a280b604-6023-4ba5-bb9e-80d612f84b0d /home btrfs subvol=home,compress=zstd:1 0 0

A proper subvolume has always inode number 256. If a subvolume is nested and then a snapshot is taken, then the cloned directory entry representing the subvolume becomes empty and the inode has number 2.



  • How to create them? btrfs subvolume snapshot $subvolume $target

  • How to mount them?

  • How to identify them? Snapshots are basically subvolumes but with initial contents

  • Different types of snapshots? btrfs has read only and read/write snapshots

    Then be set on creation with -r or with a property btrfs property set /root/@snapshots/6oct-1 ro true

  • How do we identify a rw/readonly snapshot btrfs property get /root/@snapshots/6oct-1 ro

multiple disks

  • Should cockpit balance for you? (udisks does not)
  • What modes should we offer? raid0/raid1/raid01?

JSON output

Getting superblock information:

btrfs inspect-internal dump-super /path/to/device

Device ids seem to start by 1 and then increment per device. So num_devices equals the last disk in the "array".

So if we count all disks and they are less then num_devices a disk is missing. If a number is higher then num_devices, then something is really amiss. If we have

1,2,4 and num_devices is 4, disk 3 is missing! (duh)

Missing disks disaster


missing raid 1 disk (mounted)

missing raid 1 disk reboot

btrfs replace start

During a replace, an additional device is added with devid=0 without changing num_devices in the superblock


Performance Co-Pilot provides historical system metrics. PCP stores metrics in archives, in /var/log/pcp/pmlogger/$(hostname).

All metrics are identified by an PMID (Performance Metric identifier) Each metric is part of a certain domain typedef unsigned long pmInDom; except for single value instances those are always PM_INDOM_NULL.

Examle multi value metric (instances):

$ pminfo -f
    inst [0 or "/dev/mapper/system"] value 472018336
    inst [1 or "/dev/nvme0n1p1"] value 371764

Single value metric:

$ pminfo -f mem.freemem

    value 3015252

Obtaining the metrics from archive is used done creating a "handle" with pmNewContext. The collection time can be set to an arbitrary time with pmSetMode. The to be fetched instances can be restricted with pmAddProfile and pmDelProfile.

Performance metric description

Metadata of a metric described in pmDesc struct describes the format and semantics.

/* Performance Metric Descriptor */
typedef struct {
    pmID    pmid;   /* unique identifier */
    int     type;   /* base data type (see below) */
    pmInDom indom;  /* instance domain */
    int     sem;    /* semantics of value (see below) */
    pmUnits units;  /* dimension and units (see below) */
} pmDesc;

The types

/* pmDesc.type - data type of metric values */
#define PM_TYPE_NOSUPPORT -1   /* not in this version */
#define PM_TYPE_32        0    /* 32-bit signed integer */
#define PM_TYPE_U32       1    /* 32-bit unsigned integer */
#define PM_TYPE_64        2    /* 64-bit signed integer */
#define PM_TYPE_U64       3    /* 64-bit unsigned integer */
#define PM_TYPE_FLOAT     4    /* 32-bit floating point */
#define PM_TYPE_DOUBLE    5    /* 64-bit floating point */
#define PM_TYPE_STRING    6    /* array of char */
#define PM_TYPE_AGGREGATE 7    /* arbitrary binary data */
#define PM_TYPE_AGGREGATE_STATIC 8 /* static pointer to aggregate */
#define PM_TYPE_EVENT     9    /* packed pmEventArray */
#define PM_TYPE_UNKNOWN   255  /* used in pmValueBlock not pmDesc */

Cockpit-pcp does not support PM_TYPE_AGGREGRATE, PM_TYPE_EVENT

Semantics describe how Cockpit should represent the data:

/* pmDesc.sem - semantics of metric values */
#define PM_SEM_COUNTER  1  /* cumulative count, monotonic increasing */
#define PM_SEM_INSTANT  3  /* instantaneous value continuous domain */
#define PM_SEM_DISCRETE 4  /* instantaneous value discrete domain */

The C code doesn't do anything with this information except return it back to the client in the meta message. However the derive == rate option requires the bridge to calculate the sample rate based on the last value and the provided interval.

PCP Archive source

The metrics1 channel supports passing a source=pcp-archive or source=/path/to/archive, the latter likely introduced for testing. Archive specific options from docs/

  • "metrics" (array): Descriptions of the metrics to use. See below.

  • "instances" (array of strings, optional): When specified, only the listed instances are included in the reported samples.

  • "omit-instances" (array of strings, optional): When specified, the listed instances are omitted from the reported samples. Only one of "instances" and "omit-instances" can be specified.

  • "interval" (number, optional): The sample interval in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000.

  • "timestamp" (number, optional): The desired time of the first sample. This is only used when accessing archives of samples.

    This is either the number of milliseconds since the epoch, or (when negative) the number of milliseconds in the past.

    The first sample will be from a time not earlier than this timestamp, but it might be from a much later time.

  • "limit" (number, optional): The number of samples to return. This is only used when accessing an archive.

Reading data from archive

# Obtain an archive, this can be multiple if a path is given to say /var/log/pcp/pmlogger/hostname
context = pmapi.pmContext(c_api.PM_CONTEXT_ARCHIVE, '/path/to/archive')

# Get the internal metric ids for the user provided metrics
pmids = context.pmLookupName('mock.value')

# Get the descriptions, this is used for scaling values if required
descs = context.pmLookupDescs(pmids)

results = context.pmFetch(pmids)
for i in range(results.contents.numpmid):
    atom = context.pmExtractValue(results.contents.get_valfmt(i),
                                  results.contents.get_vlist(i, 0),


cpf open metrics1 source="/tmp/pytest-of-jelle/pytest-current/timestamps-archives0/" metrics='[{ "name": "mock.value" }]' timestamp=1688162400000 limit=1 : wait | G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=none  /usr/lib/cockpit/cockpit-pcp | /usr/bin/cat

Unit tests

  • Test limitting the data, so generate a 1000 record archive (limit option in the metrics1 channel)
  • Different types of data, currently only testing U32. Cockpit requests "kernel.all.cpu.nice" (with a derive: "rate"), "mem.physmem", "swap.pagesout",
  • Test omit-instances { name: "", derive: "rate", "omit-instances": ["lo"] }
  • Test multi value metrics (which have "instances" like
  • Test passing timestamps ie. load timestamp
  • Test passing instances
  • Test sample interval changes
  • Add unit tests for corrupted / broken archives


  • Why do we need to read archive per archive? The API supports reading all for us.

    • Is it be of error handling?
    • Is it because of limitting
    • Is it because of the start timestamp?
  • Does the Meta message ever need to change? => yes

  • We have metrics twice

    • metrics_descriptions per archive
    • self.metrics == the parsed requested metrics
  • Meta message with instances issue, we need results to obtain the vset?


Programming PCP


To Do


  • Sidebar design update
  • What happens when I double click a symlink to .., it moves to the symlink. Expected?
  • What happens when I change the permissions of
  • Creation
  • Removal

Copy / Paste

  • No indication of big copies
  • You can copy things from different directories leading to unexpected UX


  • Design tweaks


  • Make it atomic with renameate2
  • Make it also work on NFS and filesystems who don't support it



  • Missing tests for sorting on column in view

  • Configuring column visibility


Show ACL's

  • Needs research
  • Recursive applying


  • Column visibility

New File API

We want to design a new File API which is importable as ESM module for example:

import { File } from 'cockpit/file';

This is the new way of doing things similar to fsinfo:

import { fsinfo } from "cockpit/fsinfo";

This new API would directly support two new features which we need in Cockpit and Files:

  • setting the owner/group of a (newly created) file
  • setting the mode of a (newly created) file

The reason we can't fit this into the old API easily is that cockpit.file('/tmp/foo').replace("text", undefined, "root", "root") is already allowed in the existing API. JavaScript has no issues allowing extra unused arguments, so these extra arguments won't be passed through the bridge and even if they did extra unknown arguments don't trigger any ProtocolError.

Another reason to start with a new API is to remove the use of our jQuery styled promises which aren't compatible with the native Promise API.

Compatibility with the old fsreplace1 API

As we want to support new features in our new API we have a descision to make:

  • Don't support the new API with an old bridge, introducing fsreplace2
  • Best effort support, try to support new features but raise Errors when we can't. Our projects then handle this in fallback code
  • Offer a capibility option, so a developer knows when they can switch to a new API
  • Offer fallback code in the new API, means we keep some legacy around. We already have such code atm for setting owner/group in cockpit-files
  • Offer a shim? Like sdl-compat, you use the new API internally but with the old API

The issue boils down to our pages bundling cockpit.js which supports newer features then the current bridge might support. We need a way to detect this either:

  • Let a channel advertise capabilities?
  • We introduce a new channel?

What is needed from the File API:

  • creating files with contents, ownership, permissions
  • modifying file contents, ownership, permissions
  • reading file contents
  • being able to take an existing tag when modifying/creating
  • deleting an file - now supported by sending a magic zero byte.
  • stat -> fsinfo
  • symlink? :)
  • rename? - currently being handled in files with mv
  • watching for updates (Although fsinfo is used when available in the new code)

Do we still support?

  • syntax_object
  • Watching

cockpit.file() most used API

  • .read()
  • .replace()

cockpit.spawn() usages which do file I/O

const conf_path = "/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf.d/50-cockpit.conf";
const custom_ntp_config_file = cockpit.file(conf_path, { superuser: "require" });
// this must be readable with tight umask, timesyncd runs as unprivileged user
await cockpit.spawn(["mkdir", "-p", "-m755", "/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf.d"], { superuser: "require" });
await custom_ntp_config_file.replace(text);
await cockpit.spawn(["chmod", "644", conf_path], { superuser: "require" });
cockpit.spawn(["mkdir", "-p", memoryLocation], { superuser, err: "message" })
        const opts = { err: "message", superuser: "require" } as const;
        await cockpit.spawn(["mkdir", path], opts);
        await cockpit.spawn(["chown", owner, path], opts);
    } else {
        await cockpit.spawn(["mkdir", path], { err: "message" });
        try {
            await cockpit.spawn(["mkdir", "-p", config_dir]);
        } catch (err) {
            const exc = err as cockpit.BasicError; // HACK: You can't easily type an error in typescript
            addAlert(_("Unable to create bookmark directory"), AlertVariant.danger, "bookmark-error",
await cockpit.file(destination, { superuser: "try" }).replace("");
await cockpit.spawn(["chown", owner, destination], { superuser: "try" });
await cockpit.file(destination, { superuser: "try" }).read()
    .then((((_content: string, tag: string) => {
	options = { superuser: "try", tag };
    }) as any /* eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */));
const stat = await cockpit.spawn(["stat", "--format", "%a", destination], { superuser: "try" });
try {
    await cockpit.spawn(["chown", owner, filename], { superuser: "require" });
} catch (err) {
    console.warn("Cannot chown new file", err);
    try {
	await cockpit.spawn(["rm", filename], { superuser: "require" });
    } catch (err) {
	console.warn(`Failed to cleanup ${filename}`, err);
    throw err;


class File(filename: str, args?: { superuser, binary: true, max_read_size?: 8 * 1024 }) {
  remove(tag?: str): Promise<void>;
  replace(content: str, { owner?: str | int, group?: str | int, mode?: int, tag?: str}): Promise<tag: str, mode: int, owner/group>
  read(): Promise<{content: str, tag: str}>;
  watch(callback({content: str, tag: str}), {read: bool}): function();

const {content, tag} = await File('/tmp/foo').read();
  • modify() -> either return the tag or make users use fsinfo to query this information
  • watch() returns a handle so we can remove() the watch. What to do in new API
  • do we keep close() to close pending reads() like for example read /dev/random or /dev/zero

As cockpit.file().read() is not streamed

Meeting notes

  • Checking if new options are supported in fsreplace1 is impossible so we need to change the bridge -> Easiest solution is to introduce fsreplace2 and reject any unknown option! Cockpit.js would try fsreplace2 and fallback to fsreplace1.
  • The new ESM module should work for simple cases but fall with owner/mode options and basically still use the existing code in files.
  • We don't feel like keeping syntax_object supported


  • Implement new class
  • Native promises
  • QUnit tests
  • implement remove
  • implement read

File streaming with fsread1

Because this becomes a stream, we can't return the tag realistically so this becomes a totally different API apart from streaming.

async function* asyncEvent(object, event) {
  let defer
  const next = (event) => defer.resolve(event)
  object.on(event, next)
  try {
    while (true) {
      defer = Promise.withResolvers()
      yield await defer.promise
  } finally {, next)
async * read(options?: ReadOptions): Promise<ReadData> {
	let channel;
	const opts = { ...this.get_options(), payload: 'fsread1' };
	const data: StrOrBytes[] = [];
	let binary = false;

	if (opts.binary) {
	    binary = true;
	    channel = new ReadChannel<Uint8Array>({ ...opts, binary: true });
	} else {
	    channel = new ReadChannel(opts);

	let defer;
	const next = (event) => defer.resolve(event);
	channel.on('data', next);
	channel.on('close', message => defer.reject(message));

	// ready
	await channel.wait();

	try {
	    while (true) {
		defer = Promise.withResolvers();
		yield await defer.promise;
	} catch (exc) {

const large_file = new File(large_filename);
for await (const data of {


  • how to use the new API in tests! We want a qunit development workflow
  • generic way to convert eventlistener to async?
  • we require listening to ready message for fsreplace1 now
  • do we want reads to be abortable? (So an abortcontroller support)
  • what about AsyncIterator, could implement streaming reads, now we batch the data in the client. Downside a bit harder to read, needs prototyping
  • stream API? seems we need something to replace potential cockpit.file().addEventListener() users, check if there are any
  • discuss error handling in promises, do we stick with BasicError?
  • how do we handle the existing API for "Atomic modifications" => that's cockpit.file().modify()
  • Channel.wait_close() or extend wait() API
  • Make it a static Channel class? Remove global options